

Who Needs Sunscreen?

Unfortunately one in every five Americans will  develop skin cancer during their lifetime. Skin cancer doesn’t discriminate as it devastates people of all ages and races. As a protective measure, all people should apply sunscreen when spending time outdoors even on cloudy days as eighty percent of the sun’s harmful UV rays can penetrate the skin.

What Sunscreen Should I Use?

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that all people use sunscreen that is  30 SPF of higher, water resistance, and Broad Spectrum protection (protects against UVA and UVB rays). While sunscreen acts as a preventive measure, it alone can not fully protect and individual from developing skin cancer. When exposed to sun for a long period of time one should seek shaded areas and wear protective clothing such as hats and glasses.

What are the Early Signs of Skin Cancer?

Early signs of skin cancer include sores that do not heal along with itchiness, tenderness, and pain. Similarly, another warning sign may be pigment, redness, or swelling, that extends beyond the borders of a spot. An existing mole that oozes, bleeds, or changes in texture may also be problematic. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms seek advice from a dermatologist as soon as possible.